Monday, 4 January 2016

Create The Best New Year Ever By Remembering Yourself

May  You  Create  The  Best  New  Year Ever  By  Remembering  Yourself...

Wishing You Very Happy Now…Here..

Where we are Now, from where we reached here, where we are heading towards.., we need to know all these if we want improvement and progress in whatever we are doing now. So it’s time to look in to our self, evaluate our improvement and setbacks as an individual (human being), as a family member, and as a professional.. Just as setting milestone is important, it is very important to know HOW we will reach there..

Let's not go into the new year holding sorrow or grudge from last year. Leave the hurts, insults & disappointments behind. Holding these things will never give us peace and happiness. It will never let us do our Karma mindfully.

All the negative thoughts are occurring because of wrong identification and wrong expectations. Take some time and think about it. You will see that you are emotionally very much attached to those people or incidents. We are expecting happiness and emotional security from others. We dream that we should get happiness from others, and believe that we are unhappy because of them. But we are not realizing the truth that these are all wrong conceptions created by our conditioned mind, our "vasana", our wrong judgement and perception. We are expecting people to do things according to our wish (they also might be expecting the same from us!). If that didn't happen we become frustrated/ irritated. Let us understand others from their perspective. Let us learn to accept them as they are. Then it will become easier to have a healthy relationship and they also will start understanding and accepting us.

Is it possible to accept the person as he/she is..?

Understand that nothing is constant in this world. It’s according to your perception. You are deciding a thing or a person as good or bad. When your perception changes your opinion about that thing or person will also change. So when you judge people negatively, negative emotions will flow and, it will hamper your growth. This will lead to dissatisfaction and all kinds of bitterness. It happens because of your own limitations, not because of the situation or because of other people. Realizing this is maturity.

Now, being a matured person try to be more sensitive about others feelings without being emotionally imbalanced. If you could understand yourself better you will start understanding others also.  It will bring you to a new height of life and give you a new sense of emotional balance.
You cannot change others for you. But you can bring changes in you..for you.

It's not about changing the Actions but Attitude. It's about our thinking, observing, watching, and witnessing. It's about how able we are to be a witness of ourselves. How much aware are we about our own culture and values that we uphold.  It is like watching a movie.. We are watching our own actions and reactions, our own dialogues, our own emotions..

This will help us to understand ourselves in a better way.  Then we will learn that happiness is not that somebody else can provide you, it’s your choice. If you stay positive you can see that it is spreading to others also. Doing the best at this moment puts you in the best place for the next moment. That's the only thing we have to do for our betterment and for others too. Right thought with right action will bring Harmony. 

Learn from the past, set new goals for a better future. Enjoy each moment of your life by fully engaging your mind and body in whatever you are doing.. It will definitely bring you success and happiness.

Have a Blessed New Year 2016

U C Soja

Sunday, 29 November 2015

Helplessness and Depression

When one deems that changes are impossible, a feeling of helplessness arises. Eventually, all the hope and motivation is lost just like a simple disconnection in an electric circuit. If not tended to, one may fall into the grips of depression.

If you are facing a problem in your life for the first time, what will you do?

You will keep trying until the problem gets resolved. If you couldn’t solve that problem in two or three tries, you will start losing hope. Finally, at the end of numerous trials, you will end up with no further hope or motivation to try again. Soon enough there will come a stage of total helplessness and depression. Also, ultimately, succumbing to this helplessness or depression becomes a habit.

How can you get out of it?

Realize yourself that this emotional pain you are currently experiencing, due to the result of depression, is nothing more than a false belief about your own ability to take action!! Here, if you try to see the reality you will understand that it happened just because you allowed your mind to fool you, and thus helped your mind to develop the habit of helplessness/depression.

One should know the fact that the real state of human mind is happiness. If you are feeling helpless or depressed, remind yourself that this state of mind is not the true one, it is a learned one. Remember that since this habit of helplessness is a learned one through practice, you can unlearn it with real knowledge. You can also take a decision to stop practicing the old habit.

Know that human mind has unlimited potential. But why do you feel that your capabilities and capacities are limited? It is just because you have allowed your mind to accept the unrealities (negativities), to get conditioned by certain false beliefs, to get brainwashed by certain people or harsh experiences.

So, being helpless or feeling helplessness is your choice. You are the person to decide whether you should get addicted to the external forces/factors which are absolutely not in your control, or you should listen to your true inner being. Cleanse your mind by real knowledge and listen to the real you inside you, do your Karma/ duties with real involvement. That will surely lead you to the real happiness that you are seeking.

Thursday, 2 July 2015

What is attachment ? Is it the essential foundation for lasting relationships?

What is non-attachment? Is it possible for an ordinary man to achieve non-attachment?

The word 'non-attachment' does not really exist in English, but it exists in Sanskrit in the form of Vairagya, meaning to be free from attachment, without rejecting anything. It is not an escapism from your responsibilities. Non- attachment  is a state of mind which is full of Viveka. It is a realization. Realization of the Truth- The Present- The Now.

The first attachment we all might have experienced is when we were a child. Our attachment and bonding with our first care giver (mostly the mother) shapes our brain, profoundly influencing our self esteem, our expectation of others  and our ability to attract and maintain other relationships. This  emotional attachment between the child and the mother is the beginning of our  interactive communication. And this is the established foundation for all our future relationships and communication.  Standing on this foundation we acquire more skills and knowledge and it shapes the success or failure of our future relationships. 

Attachment is an emotional bond that involves a desire for regular contact and it can have a  huge impact on the behavior throughout life.

When we are living in a happy family surrounded by all kith and kin, when things are going well, when we are in love,  we may feel  like breathing their love and care, we seem to thrive just because of their presence, feel  very positive and strong. Then  it is easy  to wonder  why this yogic texts gives so much importance to non attachment. We may feel like attachment plays an important role in keeping our relationships fulfilled.

But,  when they don’t respond with the same sentiments,  when we are deeply hurt or when we are faced loss, grief, betrayal or failure,.. we find ourselves helpless to detach from them. At that moment we think that.. had we practiced non attachment we could have easily moved  out of acute suffering into something close to peace. 

Remember Budha’s Second  Noble Truth teaches “the cause of sufferings is cravings or thirst”. Desire is the root cause of all our sufferings. Desire to achieve something shows the attachment towards it. This attachment creates expectation from the attached. When we are not able to meet our expectation we will end up in frustration or sorrow. Thus our attachment to our expectation kills our happiness.

It is not that we should stay away from relations and emotions. You don’t have to be indifferent. In order to love someone or something,  to feel responsible, you don’t have to be attached to them. You don’t have to be attached to something to truly appreciate it. True love is giving freedom.  If we  practice non attachment relationships become more meaningful and practical, and we can experience the life in a more fulfilling way. 

For eg:- If your loved one needs an important treatment and  if it is available only in a place which is far away and you are not able to accompany  him or her,  what will you do? You will arrange someone else to go with him/her, right? Why? Because your love is stronger than your attachment (the desire to hold on to him/her).  Here you are ready to accept the situation and you use your viveka- the ability to discriminate and act accordingly. But,  emotionally if we are upset and influenced by outside events and sensations we will not be able to act properly.  And if you cultivate non attachment at this stage you will have a relaxed control over your mind. You just have to understand that all the things around you may come and go from your your ideas, beliefs, belongings or loved ones…you will still be you.

When we pass through different stages of life, different emotions like happiness, anger, sadness, instead of capturing  and holding those feelings  forever,  we will act as a  Witness of our thoughts and emotions, and we will be able to watch these emotions as passing clouds. 

Non attachment is an empowering attitude. We need two things in order to have attachment. One is, the object or the person we are attaching to,  and second, the  person who is attaching.

 But in non attachment we have only one thing ie Unity. There is no TWO because there is nothing to attach to. 

Learning to practice non attachment is the most liberating shift that we can do to achieve peace in our life.  This attitude will teach us to love unconditionally.

There is no short cut to practice non attachment. It is a process.  Like Patanjali says –“Abhyasa vairagyabhyam tannirodha:”  which means “These mental modifications are restrained by practice.” 


1.First we should get ready mentally. We should have the attitude to practice. 

2.Then try to understand our thoughts and emotions and to which they are attached to. Understand that attachment is based on fear and insecurity.

3.Then acknowledge our present state of mind. Observe our desire for the attached, our fear of losing it and the sense of hopelessness and helplessness that we are facing.

4.Allow our mind to be free from those around us and let those objects or people to be themselves. Let our mind also experience the freedom from those. Understand that nothing can be static.

5.Now try to be at present and practice mindfulness 

6.Open ourselves to the highest love, without any condition or expectation. Then you will feel more happy and free. 

7.Now we will not experience any remnant of attachment and  we will realize that we have begun to achieve the stage of non attachment.

This is the stage of true liberation..the true nature of human mind…

To experience non attachment is to have Internal Awareness, awareness of our supreme mastery, complete control  over mind. It can be learned through will power.

U C Soja.