Monday 4 January 2016

Create The Best New Year Ever By Remembering Yourself

May  You  Create  The  Best  New  Year Ever  By  Remembering  Yourself...

Wishing You Very Happy Now…Here..

Where we are Now, from where we reached here, where we are heading towards.., we need to know all these if we want improvement and progress in whatever we are doing now. So it’s time to look in to our self, evaluate our improvement and setbacks as an individual (human being), as a family member, and as a professional.. Just as setting milestone is important, it is very important to know HOW we will reach there..

Let's not go into the new year holding sorrow or grudge from last year. Leave the hurts, insults & disappointments behind. Holding these things will never give us peace and happiness. It will never let us do our Karma mindfully.

All the negative thoughts are occurring because of wrong identification and wrong expectations. Take some time and think about it. You will see that you are emotionally very much attached to those people or incidents. We are expecting happiness and emotional security from others. We dream that we should get happiness from others, and believe that we are unhappy because of them. But we are not realizing the truth that these are all wrong conceptions created by our conditioned mind, our "vasana", our wrong judgement and perception. We are expecting people to do things according to our wish (they also might be expecting the same from us!). If that didn't happen we become frustrated/ irritated. Let us understand others from their perspective. Let us learn to accept them as they are. Then it will become easier to have a healthy relationship and they also will start understanding and accepting us.

Is it possible to accept the person as he/she is..?

Understand that nothing is constant in this world. It’s according to your perception. You are deciding a thing or a person as good or bad. When your perception changes your opinion about that thing or person will also change. So when you judge people negatively, negative emotions will flow and, it will hamper your growth. This will lead to dissatisfaction and all kinds of bitterness. It happens because of your own limitations, not because of the situation or because of other people. Realizing this is maturity.

Now, being a matured person try to be more sensitive about others feelings without being emotionally imbalanced. If you could understand yourself better you will start understanding others also.  It will bring you to a new height of life and give you a new sense of emotional balance.
You cannot change others for you. But you can bring changes in you..for you.

It's not about changing the Actions but Attitude. It's about our thinking, observing, watching, and witnessing. It's about how able we are to be a witness of ourselves. How much aware are we about our own culture and values that we uphold.  It is like watching a movie.. We are watching our own actions and reactions, our own dialogues, our own emotions..

This will help us to understand ourselves in a better way.  Then we will learn that happiness is not that somebody else can provide you, it’s your choice. If you stay positive you can see that it is spreading to others also. Doing the best at this moment puts you in the best place for the next moment. That's the only thing we have to do for our betterment and for others too. Right thought with right action will bring Harmony. 

Learn from the past, set new goals for a better future. Enjoy each moment of your life by fully engaging your mind and body in whatever you are doing.. It will definitely bring you success and happiness.

Have a Blessed New Year 2016

U C Soja

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